It was a busy day with many calls. Two support calls, helping people with some of their IT issues or confusion around what they were doing. All of these are just as a result of poor education in Technology to be fair. The UK is in a poor place in terms of its understanding of Technology. The move to online has put a lot of pressure and frustration into people’s lives, especially our older generation.
Then I had a Microsoft Teams call with STEAMhouse who will hopefully be able to assist me with pushing forward with my ideas around augmented reality. I was a member of STEAMhouse previously and the support I got wasn’t much use to me, this time around I am hoping that it will be much better as they are set up to support small businesses in a different way. I was impressed with what I heard, so staying optimistic and hopeful for how it will all unfold.
Comparing New Zealand vs the UK in terms of the handling of the COVID19 outbreak. The video below, see on Twitter, explains it very well. We have failed on so many levels.
In the thread of this tweet I found a link someone posted to a petition and I am sharing that link below and the text from their website. I do sincerely hope there will be a public enquiry, as I do believe the Uk has failed badly in preventing the spread of the virus outbreak.
We need a full public inquiry into the UK response to the coronavirus crisis.
The UK is currently on course to be the worst-hit European country, suggesting systemic failings in the approach taken to tackle the coronavirus outbreak.
The number of lives lost may jump further when we account for the inadequate reporting of coronavirus casualties in the community and in care homes, which raises questions about government honesty in documenting the crisis.
We have already had several scandals, including the ‘herd immunity’ strategy, dropping contact tracing, woefully inadequate Covid-19 testing, and a slow, half-committed initial response while other European countries locked down fast. Combined, these have likely cost many lives.
There has also been a shocking dearth of support for the NHS with key supplies (such as PPE and ventilators),despite opportunities to obtain such supplies from standard NHS suppliers or international sharing & procurement programmes. This has endangered our frontline staff and patients alike.
Finally, a pandemic simulation in October 2016 warned of these supply risks and related issues, yet this government irresponsibly chose not to act on the warnings, leaving our NHS and public vulnerable to a pandemic.
We cannot ever again leave our NHS so under-resourced, expecting brave elderly doctors to return from retirement to save our lives only to lose theirs, and leaving frontline staff to treat patients dressed only in bin bags and thin surgical masks. All political leaders must now commit to an inquiry to identify what has gone wrong, learn the lessons, and ensure it never happens again.
You can help start this essential process by signing our petition for a full public inquiry into the UK government’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak.
And then there’s the USA. The tweet below says enough. Being on the cover of Time magazine for the wrong reasons!
My post on LinkedIn, just my opinion of course!
UK Gov Stats:
Michael out…